NSWJRU Coaching roles for 2020 Open

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

NSW Juniors are looking for coaches to assist with the NSW Juniors U18 team that will compete at the Australian Schools Rugby Union Championships at Riverview (4th-9th July). We are seeking an Asst Forwards Coach and a Manager for the 2020 season



To be used for the Nomination & Appointment of All NSWJRU Representative Team Coaching and Management Positions for 2020.

Information for Applicants

  1. Not all positions are vacant for 2020 (some were appointed in 2019 as shadow coaches to the 2019 program to ensure a clean transfer of knowledge for 2020 season).
  2. Applications are due by COB Friday, Friday the 13th of March 2020. All queries are to be directed to the President at nswjuniorrugby@gmail.com. Late applications will not be accepted.
  3. Please email applications to nswjuniorrugby@gmail.com
  1. All applications will be published throughout the NSWJRU General Committee during the same week the NSWSRU elections are held.


Elections for all positions will be held at the General Committee Meeting of the NSWSRU at 4.15 PM on March 20, 2020 at – NSW Rugby HQ NSW Rugby HQ building at Cnr Banks and Gwea Ave Daceyville. (inside David Phillips Field and plenty of off street parking).

N.B. Please do not nominate for election if you will be unable to attend all trial days,matches and duty times that you would be required to as per the NSWJRU Trial and ASRU Championships programs.

N.B. All Candidates for NSWJRU coaching positions must be at least Level 2 Rugby Coach Accredited and Smart Rugby compliant by March 31, 2020.


The NSWJRU Team Official Nomination Package

PART 1:       Positions Vacant and Order of Selection.

PART 2:      Coaches’, Managers’,Physiotherapists’ and Selectors’ Duties.

PART 3:      Trial Program and ASRU Championship Dates, 2020

PART 4:      NSWSRU Application Form Signed off by Headmaster / Principal.


PART 1: NSWJRU Positions Vacantand Order of Selection.


Applications for the following positions are invited from suitably qualified persons and will be appointed in this order:

1.       Coach NSWJRU (already appointed for 2020 – Doug Ryan)

2.       Manager NSWJRU

3.       Assistant Coach NSWJRU (Forwards)

4.       Assistant Coach NSWJRU (Backs) (already appointed for 2020 – Nick Marshall)


NB: Physiotherapists may be appointed after recommendations to the committee by the Honorary NSW Head Physiotherapist

N.B. Each team’s Coach is included in the selection panel for their appointed team only.

N.B. The Coach is not sole selector of his team.

PART 2: Coaches’,Managers’, Physiotherapists’ and Selectors’ Duties.

Full Role Outlines will be available for all successful applicants after the Term 12020 meeting.

Coaches’ and Assistant Coaches’ duties will include:

  • Preparation f the teams prior to the Championships.
  • Attendance at all 1st XV, 2nd XV, and 3rd XV inter-affiliate and official selection trials as advised above.
  • Care and supervision of the teams travelling to and from, and during, the ASRU Championships.
  • Completion of Team Management Self Appraisal process.


Managers’ duties will include:

  • Attendance at trials held at David Phillips Field (tbc) on June 26 for Opens and June 27 and June 28 for U16s.
  • Liaison with ASRU Championship Management both before and during ASRU Championships.
  • Distribution, collection and collation of all information to players/parents/schools and maintenance of all team records including 2YW Protocol.
  • Liaison with respective coaches, preparation of the teams prior to the Championships.
  • Care and supervision of the teams travelling to and from, and during, the Championships.
  • Delivery of Coach/Manager Player Appraisal process to teams.
  • Completion of Team Management Self Appraisal process.


General Selectors’ duties will include:

  • Attendance at all inter-affiliate and official selection trials as advised.


Chair of Selector’s duties will include:

  • Liaison with trials convenors for all details concerning playing schedules and team lists.
  • Liaison with affiliate’s team managers for team list changes on match days.
  • Liaison with ASRU concerning information sheets for participating NSWJRU players.
  • Liaison with NSWJRU Representative Team Management staff re selection policy and logistics.
  • Dissemination of all information above to General Selection panel.
  • Organisation of all NSWJRU selection meetings.
  • Publication of NSWJRU Representative Teams to participate at ASRU Championships on or in: a) NSWJRU web site. b) Newspapers.


Physiotherapist’s duties will include:

  • Liaison with respective team managements, preparation of the teams prior to the Championships
  • Attendance at all team training sessions
  • Attendance at all team matches.

PART3: NSWJRU Affiliates and Official NSWSRU Trials in 2020 will be held along thelines of the draft below.



Sunday 31st May            -           CHS v CCC                  Venue TBA                               Times TBA


Tuesday 2 June             -           ISA v CHS v AICES       St Pius X Playing Fields Oxford Falls


Sunday 14 June             -           CHS, CCC, AICES, CJRU, SJRU                                   Venue TBA      


Saturday 20th June         -           SJRU v CJRU               Chatswood Oval                        5.00pm


Tuesday 23rd June         -           GPS v CAS                   Shore                                        Times TBA


Thursday 25th June        -           CJRU v GPS Blue         Shore                                        Times TBA

                                                SJRU v GPS White        Shore                                        Times TBA


Friday 26th June             -           NSW Opens Boys Trials David Phillips Field Daceyville    Times TBA


Saturday 4th to 9th July   -           Australian Schools Rugby Championships St Ignatius College 



Head Coaches are required where possible to attend all selections trials for their age group.

Assistant Coaches should attend where possible

Managers are required to attend the final day of selection for their age group and where possible attend the others.

Selectors are required to attend all selection trials.



PART 4: NSWJRU Official Application


·        Please ensure that your application form is completed accurately and clearly. Additional material will not be submitted to the committee for consideration.

·        Late applications will not be considered.







Post Code:


Home Phone:









Position/s Nominated For In Order Of Preference.


Current Qualifications.


Coaching / Managing / Selecting history.


Information  concerning Coaching and Smart Rugby accreditation is mandatory and  applications will not be considered if this information is omitted.